
St Patrick's Pyramid Hill

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To Love, Learn and Respect

Staff 12
Yr 6 Grad 5
Staff 1
Whole School 1

Collaborative Classroom F-6

The Collaborative classroom consists of years Foundation - Grade 6. It is a lively and vibrant room that investigates, explores and takes adventurous learning journeys. The curriculum is always ability based and our small class sizes allow for initimate and personalised learning experiences. 

The English block is an uninterupted 2 hour block in the morning. The whole school take part in a reading conference session at  8.45am where all Learners spend 15 minutes focussing on specific reading skills and strategies. To support our links with community and the opportunity for each Learner to have an audience, every Learner has been matched with a community member who visits St. Patrick's Primary School one morning a week to sit with a Learner to listen to their reading. These 'Community of Readers' are from a diverse range of occupations including policeforce, medicine, expert bowlers, postal officers and many more. This is extremely beneficial to our Learners and assists with improved reading standards as well as community connections and relationship building. The English block that follows is explicit sessions of reading and writing where the curriculum is based on the Learners needs with alignment with the Victorian Curriculum. Data is continually used to plan and prepare curriculum for our Learners.

Mathematics predominantly focuses on number skills in a real life context. The Learners use a variety of resources to gain their understandings. The Collaborative classroom is extremely well resourced for hands on mathematical experiences. 

The Collaborative classroom has 1:1 laptops where the Learners are taught explicit ICT skills which allow them to present their learning and understanding. The Learners also use iPads which allow consolidation and practice of English and Mathematics skills. 


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Our Learners learn best through doing. Here at St Patrick's we try and provide as many hands on and real life learning experiences as possible. We often venture out into the community, take excursions or welcome experts in to teach us! 

The Collaborative classroom is and exciting place to be where learning milestones are met and celebrated everyday!

Mrs Louise Murray and Mr Christopher Distefano are our Collaborative Classroom teachers. 

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